Uninstall Using .Msi File
An alternative way to uninstall spacedesk is using the spacedesk msi installer file.
Step 1: Run the setup installer
Run the spacedesk setup installer.
spacedesk_driver_Win_10_32_v2136.msi for x86 platform
spacedesk_driver_Win_10_64_v2136.msi for x64 platform
spacedesk_driver_Win_10_ARM64_v2136.msi for ARM64 platform
Step 2: Click the remove button
After selecting the Remove button, just click Next until it uninstallation completed.
Starting on version 0.9.9.z.25, reboot is not needed anymore in Windows 10 machine.
Step 3: Reboot (Windows 8.1 only)
After the uninstallation has completed, reboot the computer before proceeding with any other task.